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Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for skin and weight

 Apple cider vinegar could also replace some of your beauty and health products. 

The health benefits of this light brownish liquid it can treat sunburn detoxify your liver relieve heartburn, exfoliate skin and remove dandruff as well as a whole bunch of surprising uses you won't believe it is capable of today Brightside. 

I will share with you the top 10 benefits of apple cider vinegar. 

and more over

1. Removes dandruff 

The Sun is high in the sky and you noticed tiny white flecks on your shoulders that do not snow awkwardly you've tried different anti-dandruff shampoos but they aggravate your flaky situation are you itching to solve this and put an end to your embarrassing condition. 

Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle after you shampoo spray this mixture onto your hair put a shower cap on your head and let it sit for 15 minutes rinse with warm water and apply this remedy once or twice a week.

2. Exfoliate skin

You've spent hundreds of dollars on facial treatments and fancy skin creams but that stubborn acne and those pimples won't leave your beautiful face. 

Here comes the mighty apple cider vinegar it can do these things more effectively and for only a few pennies.  

Apple cider vinegar as a skin toner:

Make it a natural skin toner by mixing two cups of water and one tablespoon of vinegar dab a cotton ball in the solution and apply it to your clean dry face before you sleep do not rinse your face so that the apple cider vinegar Malak and lactic acids can work on your skin overnight.

3. Vinegar Bath 

If your apple cider vinegar facial toner use gives you positive results. 

Why not level up a bit by making a vinegar bath?

We know what your inquisitive mind is thinking won't it leave a sour smell on my body?


                              In fact, it kills the bacteria that produce body odor.

Apple cider vinegar also restores the skin's natural acidity or pH level making it smoother and healthier.

 Your skin should maintain a pH level of 4.5 to 5.5 but this changes because of the chemicals in your soap...

Here's how to prepare a vinegar bath fill your tub with warm water dilute one to two cups of apple cider vinegar in the water get in the tub and soak your body for twenty to thirty minutes rinse with cool water.

4. Sothe sore 

Throats stop that coughing fit an itchy throat with apple cider vinegar I joined the study by concocting the University of Seoul and Indian Institute of Technology Madras of Cannae found that it contains antibacterial properties that can help cure a sore throat pick your poison you can mix it with honey lemon juice or green tea.

How? The first option is lemon juice and a green tea bag mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice in a glass of warm water put a green tea bag in the glass the second sore throat reliever is honey dilute 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of vinegar in a mug of warm water drink either of these until your sore throat is gone.

5. Relieve sinus Infections

Do you feel pain above or below your eyes? Is your voice hoarse and stuffy when you blow your nose? Is the discharge yellowish?

If you've experienced all of these then you probably have a sinus infection or sinusitis reduce it by making a DIY rinse or steam for the DIY rinse mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water and slowly pour the mixture into your palm and inhale it through your nostrils since there is a chance that the vinegar rinse may spill on to your hands. Try DIY steam instead you'll need a saucepan owl and cup for this home remedy

Mix 1/2 a cup of vinegar with half a cup of water and boil until steam appears to turn off the stove wrap a towel over your head and neck carefully inhale the steam over the steaming saucepan and perform any of these procedures until your sinus infection is gone.

6. Removes Razor Burns 

The aftermath of a rigorous shaving session is razor burns your unwanted hair is removed but it's now replaced with an angry rash and burning sensation ouch the troubles of achieving flawless skin thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of apple cider vinegar

You can now easily get rid of razor burns. Pour apple cider vinegar into a cup you can mix equal parts of vinegar and water if you have sensitive skin apply a small amount of it to a cotton ball at the affected area with it and let it air dry rinse with water repeat this two or three times a day until the affected area calms down.

7. Removes Bruises

 Bruises from an injury or extreme physical activity can heal after a week or two but the mark left behind usually takes a month to fade speed up the process by applying apple cider vinegar here's what you're going to do soak a piece of clean cotton in apple cider vinegar apply it to the bruised area leave it for an hour rinse afterward.

8. Relieves Heartburn

I know this medical condition is not associated with your heart how do you know if it's heartburn also known as acid reflux 


You cannot swallow easily you're coughing there's a pain in your upper abdomen as if it burns you have a sore throat and there's a sour taste in your mouth. 

You can lessen the burning sensation in your stomach by drinking a glass of water mixed with two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar during a meal.

9. Detoxify The Liver 

Your liver is the busiest and largest organ in your body according to medical news today it carries out 500 distinct functions in the human body some of its roles are 

  1. Breaking down the food you eat 
  2. Helping blood clots during injury 
  3. Improving metabolism by storing vitamins and minerals 
  4. Strengthening your immune system 

 The liver can regenerate but there is a condition in it that should always be kept healthy however liver regeneration takes longer or malfunctions because of an unhealthy lifestyle or alcohol abuse

Help your liver to be as good as new again by drinking an apple cider vinegar solution and flushing out those harmful toxins.

Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of vinegar in a glass of water drink before eating a meal you can add a bit of honey to sweeten the sour taste.

10. Treat sunburn

The sun's UV rays are truly unforgiving on your skin Strolling along the beach or simply walking outside at the worst times of the day can cause sunburn, especially in the summer months. WebMD advises staying indoors between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. but what if your job requires you to work outside let the healing properties of apple cider vinegar provide you with temporary relief mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle and apply this to the affected area if you don't have a spray bottle use a clean cloth and dab the mixture in it before you try the tips.

Keep in mind these general guidelines apply the vinegar to a small patch of skin first to check if it irritates your skin avoid the eyes and ears when applying it make sure it has a mother in it. The mother is the dark cloudy cobweb-like substance in the vinegar in layman's terms it's the secret sauce that makes apple cider vinegar so effective only buy organic raw fresh unfiltered unheated and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar do you know of any other uses for apple cider vinegar share them with us in the comments don't forget to share this blog, so everyone will be aware of how amazing this vinegar is stay updated with our new interesting blogs and join us on Instagram @hurdle_213

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