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What Would Happen to Your Body If 1000 Mosquitoes Bite You?

 What Would Happen to Your Body If 1000 Mosquitoes Bite You

So Barry is running along the shore of a lake as fast as possible he knows that if he stops his life will turn into a nightmare in no time a thousand mosquitoes are about to bite him but what he doesn't know is that he'll be okay after all so don't be afraid Barry and stop mosquitoes are slow they fly at a little more than one mile per hour and you can't run forever so after a couple of hours of pointless running Barry stops he sweats and emits a smell attractive to Insects one little mosquito flies up to him it buzzes next

to his ear sits on his sweaty neck and bites the insect pierces the skin with a special mouth apparatus called a proboscis the mosquito starts pumping blood through this needle it's alive it gets into Barry's body and causes an allergic reaction more precisely its Barry's immune system that starts this reaction it perceives the mosquito saliva as an enemy and sends a unique chemical substance to the bite side the fight between this substance and The Invader causes an allergic reaction redness swelling and the worst thing itching Barry can scratch himself for several hours or even days it all depends on how his body will react to the bite the mosquito fills up with Barry's blood and flies away it does it not for pleasure but because it needs to lay eggs protein in the blood is necessary for these insects to reproduce their eggs can't grow without this substance yeah almost all biting mosquitoes are female male mosquitoes prefer plant and flower nectar hey they're guys so the female mosquito flies away from Berry she sits down on the shore of the lake where a large mosquito Base is located here these insects lay eggs drink water and chill in the sun there are several hundred thousand of them and they're all hungry the female mosquito brings with her the smell of berry sweat which is

attractive to the rest of the mosquitoes there are about 3500 species of these insects on Earth some of them love the smell of sugar perfume or deodorant and some enjoy the smell of dirty feet now your attractiveness to mosquitoes also depends on what you have eaten today lots of candies and chocolate great now mosquitoes feel a faint sweet smell coming from you have you eaten garlic and onions mosquitoes probably won't want to deal with you and not only they most likely so the smell of berry sweat is perfect for all mosquitoes on the shore they go mad to take off and head for the poor guy if you walk near the water when the evening comes if you're sweaty wearing

black clothes and have Otay blood then you have all the chances to get bitten by mosquitoes Barry meets all the criteria the first mosquitoes land on Barry's feet they bite him and start pumping blood one tiny mosquito can draw a droplet of blood the size of a half a grain of rice it's nothing at all but several dozen of these bites it's bad Berry fights mosquitoes off of his hands but the insects keep coming they can't miss such a delicious dinner 10 20 50 100 mosquitoes they cover Barry's legs the skin swells and turns red Barry feels a burning sensation his immune system is working at 100 percent

trying to reduce the damage and drive the enemies away but more actively

Barry's body defenses work the worse he feels mosquitoes sit on his hands and on

his wet t-shirt stuck to his body yes their mouthpiece can Pierce a thin layer

of fabric there he tries to run away he stumbles over a rock and falls some insects finish their feast and fly away to tell their friends about the free food mosquitoes from all over the lake come to tri-berry 200 mosquitoes are drinking his blood three five seven

nine hundred now 

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