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Turkey's first treaty after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire | Hundred Years Treaty of Turkey(1923-2023) | History of treaty of Lausanne

 The Treaty of Lausanne was signed between the World War I giants and Turkey in Lausanne, Switzerland on 24 July 1923.

Because this treaty was concluded at the place of Lausanne, accordingly it is called the Treaty of Lausanne.

For example, the battle of Badar was fought at the location of Badar and the peace was concluded at the location of Hudaybiyah.

You may be surprised to know that the Treaty of Lausanne was the treaty that first gave democracy and international recognition as an independent state. Basically, this agreement was between Turkey and France, but on one side, Turkey, and on the other side, the Kingdom of Great Britain, Japan, France, Italy, Greece, and Romania were included.

The text of the Treaty of Lausanne was written in French and was in the custody of France. It was the first treaty written in another language after the end of the Ottoman Caliphate.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ended the Ottoman Caliphate and rejected the "Sèvres Treaty" in democratic Turkey after Turkish forces expelled Greek forces from Anatolia.

On October 20, 1922, the peace conference resumed, and after long debates were once again affected by the opposition of Turkey on 4 February.

It resumed on April 25, and after fierce protests by Mustafa Kamal's government, the Lausanne Accords were signed on July 24 after eight months of negotiations. In this regard, it can also be called the Lausanne Convention.

But on the other hand, the Treaty of Lausanne was a hundred-year-old treaty, which was actually a snare of the West against the Turkish people and Muslims, which completely bound Turkey. In  2023, the treaty will expire after 100 years and become ineffective.

The Treaty of Lausanne was concluded between the victorious powers of World War I. With the help of these forces, Great Britain had inserted into the Treaty of Lausanne, the dangerous and cruel terms by which Turkey had been rendered helpless. This made Turkey bound by the treaty for the next hundred years.

Following are some of the terms that Britain included in the Treaty of Lausanne;

1-According to the Treaty of Lausanne, the Ottoman Empire was abolished and the sultan and his family were exiled from Turkey.

2-All the goods of the Caliph

 were confiscated, including the personal belongings of the Caliphate.

3- The relationship between Islam, Caliphates, and Turkey will be terminated. Even the Arabic language was banned and the call to prayer in Arabic was also banned in Turkey.

4-Turkey will not be able to drill for gasoline either on its own land or elsewhere and will be obliged to import all the gasoline it needs.

5-The Bosphorus will be an international sea and Turkey will not collect any taxes from any ships passing through it.

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